Non-native bass have had impacts on native fish species in Ontario lakes, according to scientists from the University of Toronto.
After a commercial fishing ban, Purdue University scientists lead a study finding quick recovery of Lake Michigan yellow perch maturation schedules.
Colorado River fish, despite inhabiting a protected waterway, are found to contain levels of selenium and mercury by Idaho State researchers.
The new, ultra-durable dipper-Tough water level meter from Heron is designed to stand up to routine deployments in harsh, extreme environments.
Researchers at Ohio State University’s Stone Lab gather algae measurements using a cellular data buoy with the goal of one day predicting bloom toxicity.
Scientists at the University of Michigan have led the development of the Great Lakes Aquatic Habitat Framework, GLAHF, an impressive geospatial database.
Western Illinois University investigators sample native fish on the Illinois River to gauge their preferences for eating Asian Carp, as a control method.
Duke University scientists sampling groundwater wells in North Carolina’s Piedmont region find hexavalent chromium can be produced naturally.
Using clam shells, Cornell University scientists calculate the amount of carbon that the Colorado River Delta once contributed to the atmosphere.
The Environmental Monitor recently asked Northeastern University’s Brian Helmuth about his work on robomussels and tidal ecosystems.
A study led in part by researchers at Duke University maps potential losses to coral reef ecosystems with predicted sea level and temperature rises.
The new Van Essen TD-Diver offers a streamlined sensor body, excellent memory capacity and compatibility with all Van Essen accessories.
Scientists at Florida International University have put a price tag on the carbon of mangroves in Everglades National Park, about $2 to $3.4 billion.
University of California’s Natural Reserve System is the largest of its kind in the world, capturing data at 39 sites to help climate studies and more.
Data analysis and modeling help York University scientists predict how climate change and warmer waters may impact Ontario walleye stocks.
The Channel Islands Marine Protected Areas have been good for fish, find researchers at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Existing datasets on soil moisture and snowpack help scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research refine drought predictions.
Yet another mystery of Lake Huron’s sinkholes comes to the surface, as scientists find microbial mats that move with startling speed to find light.
Some shellfish in San Francisco Bay contain levels of microcystin beyond those noted as safe for consumption, say University of California researchers.
University of Minnesota researchers find that using conductivity as a tracer is more cost-effective and straightforward than other methods.