Researchers from Maine’s Aquaculture Innovation Center are building a buoy designed to aid oyster and seaweed farmers along the U.S.’s northeastern coast.
A recent study reveals that hand-held water quality meters can vary in accuracy, and users benefit from lab testing to confirm their results.
University of Minnesota researchers find that using conductivity as a tracer is more cost-effective and straightforward than other methods.
OpenCTD, the first open-source sensor developed by Oceanography for Everyone, is ready for marine and citizen scientists alike.
Stark County Park District managers study how Sippo Lake affects water quality after sediment load reduction efforts and push place-based learning tools.
Resource managers with Penobscot Indian Nation keep a careful eye on their waterways with help from a Thermo Orion Star portable pH meter and other gear.
New to Fondriest Environmental’s product portfolio are the Van Essen Instruments Diver loggers, which are ideal for monitoring groundwater and surface water in a variety of applications. See below for a short description of each new addition....
With more support for dual nutrient management strategies, Wright State researchers show us how they’re studying nitrogen’s role in runoff and algal blooms.
University of Toronto students’ Drone River project uses state-of-the art drones, sensors and clues from social media to monitor and address river problems.
This roundup of Thermo Scientific’s Thermo Orion Star A portable meters can help you choose the right one for your project.
Western Kentucky University researchers use a NexSens 3100-iSIC data logger and a YSI EXO2 sonde to track groundwater dynamics in a karst system in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
A roundup of Thermo Scientific’s Thermo Orion Star A benchtop meters and information to help choose the right one for your project.
Trash, human waste left by Mount Everest tourists dirties water downstream. Ball State scientists measure the impacts and try to clean things up.
A high-speed water quality sampling rig could soon help scientists capture a snapshot of surface water quality across a lake or stream.
The Beacon Institute’s new low-cost REON II water quality sensor package could boost monitoring in the Hudson and St. Lawrence watersheds and beyond.
Some of the same engineers behind IBM's Jeopardy-winning Watson are turning to water monitoring tech to make Lake George the world's 'smartest lake.'
Famous for its clarity, Jordan Pond in Acadia National Park is getting a little cloudier. A data buoy is helping scientists and managers find out why.
The Colorado Water Watch groundwater monitoring network and data distribution platform delivers easy to understand data from sites near oil and gas wells.
Surveys of drought-weakened Sierra Nevada streams are turning up sparse numbers of fish, as well as insights that could aid in conservation efforts.
The Greater Gallatin Watershed Council is minding water quality in a place far upstream of the country's major waterways