New meta-analysis paper pulls together data from 264 studies to explore ways of balancing forest biodiversity and wood production interests.
University of California, Davis, scientists find that Douglas fir trees in the West are consistently affected by drought conditions.
Selling tea could save the Amazon, according to a recent Scientific American article. Runa LLC is partnering with Kichwa villagers to preserve the Ecuadorian Amazon by purchasing guayusa tea leaves. Tyler Gage and Dan MacCombie, founders of...
Clemson University researchers help an investigation finding secondary forests can be important carbon sinks just like old-growth forests.
University of Basel researchers made a surprising discovery recently: Trees don’t take up carbon just for themselves, they also trade it with their neighbors through a network of underground symbiotic or mycorrhizal fungi. The carbon is shared...
Researchers find the most significant factors, like low hydraulic safety margin, that influence tree survival during drought.
While many tree species are well adapted to fire, recently Rocky Mountain trees have had more difficulty recovering from fire than in the past, according to a release from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Scientists at the university...
China’s forests have suffered in the past, thanks to decades of logging, floods and farmland conversion. But it looks like they may be on the rebound in recent years, according to scientists at Michigan State University. The...
In a predicted future of warmer global temperatures, researchers at the University of Minnesota had guessed that the respiration rates of trees, including some output of carbon dioxide, would increase by broad margins. But in putting the...
Americans have been trying to suppress U.S. forest fires since the 1940s through Smokey Bear and other fire-prevention programs. However, suppressing forest fires may have changed the compositions of forests from fire- and drought-resistant species to ones...
It can take 1,000 years for a forest to grow on its own. But thanks to a modeling approach, researchers at Washington State University can grow a digital version in just three weeks. The forests that they...
Scientists at University of California, Santa Cruz, document how drought impacts redwood ferns, which make up much of the understory of redwood forests.
When conservation priorities for tropical forests are set, old-growth forests that show no sign of human disturbance often come out ahead of secondary forests. In a new study, an international team of researchers measured 168,000 trees in...
Forests and grasslands in the United States can’t seem to escape the impacts of drought, according to a new report from the U.S. Forest Service. Scientists at Duke University helped to compile and edit the report, which...
A Penn State University study looks at how lessening Amazon Rainforest cloud formation could be a bad thing for larger climatic conditions.
Even more consequential than the loss of forest is the loss of interior forest. Interior forest is less susceptible to pollution, changes in soil moisture and attacks from invasive species than non-interior forest, making it critical to...
Scientists use the plane-mounted Carnegie Airborne Observatory to dissect California drought effects in the state’s forests.
The environment between Amazonian Basin rainforest and tropical Brazilian savannah is its own unique environment, called a transitional forest. Transitional forest connects rainforest to savannah and also has its own unique small-scale influences on weather, or micrometeorology....
Scientists in the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Sciences have completed a survey of all the trees worldwide, according to National Public Radio. Their results are staggering when compared to previous estimates of the total tree...
Duke University researchers use groundwater wells, YSI EXO sondes and tipping bucket rain gauges to study forest hydrology.