Lightweight and easy to use, the SonTek CastAway offers a convenient 3-in-1 solution for measuring conductivity, temperature, and depth profiles. At a 5 Hz sampling rate, the CastAway is designed for up to 1 m/s free-fall through...
Point Reyes National Seashore is unique among national parks: it hosts dairies and ranches. Best management practices are improving water quality.
Although buoys collect and relay data largely on their own, they require a team to deploy. Covid slowed them down.
Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Monitoring Program has provided data on a dynamic ecosystem for 10 years. Now it’s adapting to new challenges.
Researchers at Duke University have deployed a 500-foot mooring line capable of collecting an array of biological and environmental data in the ocean.
Feral swine cause major damage across the U. S., Environmental DNA could provide a much needed monitoring boost.
New work on monitoring wastewater for opioids reveals many new applications for the technology.
The Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology is using modern technologies to develop a deeper understanding of Hawaii’s unique tropical ecosystems.
Monitoring marine species both great and small, Alaska’s Sitka Sound Science Center keeps track of the health of fish, kelp, copepods and more.
Mount Desert Rock offers unique research opportunities and austere beauty to high school, undergraduate and graduate students. Its surrounding waters feature humpback, minke, fin and northern right whales.
Appledore Island’s rocky shores and unique flora and fauna provide outstanding research opportunities for college students at Shoals Marine Laboratory.
New York’s Cary Institute has a long history of important environmental monitoring contributions, from pivotal acid rain research to long-term road salt monitoring.
The National Lakes Assessment is helping to bridge an enormous limnological data gap across the continental United States.
Beaver Creek Wetlands are a unique wetland system primarily made of fens. Environmental monitoring consists primarily of biotic monitoring but has also included chemical monitoring.
Jacques Cousteau NERR, located in New Jersey, follows the same SWMP protocols as the rest of the nation’s 28 NERRS yet also retains its unique character.
A Minnesota Department of Agriculture partnership is bringing advanced water quality monitoring technologies and sustainable practices to farmers.
An independent developer used an AI Stick, a laptop, and a microscope camera to create a clean water AI device that detects and maps bacteria in real-time.
Mission-Aransas NERR offers some bird watching unparalleled in the U.S. In addition to SWMP monitoring, Mission-Aransas also stays on top of HAB threats.
Decades of nutrient and stormwater reduction in the Chesapeake Bay watershed has caused a record-breaking resurgence in submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV).
In Maryland, ShoreRivers is monitoring the water quality of the Choptank River while working with local farmers to support sustainable agricultural methods.