According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Great Lakes have more miles of coastline than the contiguous Atlantic and Pacific coasts combined and contain 20 percent of the world’s freshwater, making it a critical...
Still recovering from Hurricane Helene, which caused extreme precipitation, flooding, landslides, and other environmental disasters associated with severe weather, the southeastern part of the U.S. is predicted to be hit by another storm, Hurricane Milton. With Hurricane...
On March 26th, according to The Baltimore Sun, a 984-foot, 112,000-ton Dali lost propulsion and collided with a support column of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, collapsing the structure. Soon after the event, search and rescue, salvage...
Researchers continue to perfect approaches to forecasting, assessing the impact, and preventing Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB).
HRNERR is dedicated to improving the health of the Hudson River through education, training, restoration, monitoring, and research programs.
While not receiving as much attention as warming trends, marine cold spells can strongly impact marine life too, in complex ways.
The Gulf Coast stream could be a source of renewable energy. Recent buoys deployments look in that direction.
Although buoys collect and relay data largely on their own, they require a team to deploy. Covid slowed them down.
Ever heard of an “up-call?” If you’re one of the researchers at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center, it’s likely you have. Considered the primary vocalization of North Atlantic right whales, experts characterize the low-sounding thud as a...
A second ocean acidification monitoring site in Fagatele Bay, American Samoa, was deployed this year by NOAA.
NOAA researchers have used years of tide gauge data to reveal that meteotsunamis arrive on US shores with surprising frequency.
A NOAA team that maintains a buoy system in the Chesapeake Bay is phasing in new equipment and describes the process.
Bodega Marine Lab and Reserve environmental monitoring ranges from tracking water quality to keeping an eye on harbor seals.
California’s Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary monitors seabirds and marine mammals, including potentially hazardous interactions between whales and ships.
NOAA’s Student Drifter Program teaches kids about science and helps generate high-quality data about Earth’s oceans.
Monitoring marine species both great and small, Alaska’s Sitka Sound Science Center keeps track of the health of fish, kelp, copepods and more.
Featuring acres of mangrove forests and gorgeous beaches, Rookery Bay NERR provides exceptional habitat for wildlife and a great place for research.
The Great Lakes Observing System’s texting buoys are making all kinds of data available via text to anyone who wants it, democratizing data.
Picturesque Padilla Bay NERR participates in SWMP monitoring, specialized research in eelgrass environmental monitoring and research focusing on purple sea stars.
Meteotsunamis are big waves that have been historically mislabeled and poorly forecasted in the Great Lakes. Experts are learning more and predictive tools are in sight.