The Oklahoma Water Resource board monitors local waterways in order to ensure federal compliance and protect local ecosystems.
Dynamic and healthy ecosystems can become center points for towns, cities, and entire regions—such is the case in the Newfound Lake Region.
While focusing on ocean-specific threats to corals, researchers miss a dangerous, world-wide flow of sewage from land.
Researchers from the Colorado School of Mines are adding biochar to biofilters, boosting the stormwater filtering power in cities.
Major snowmelt and runoff events in central Canada carry stormwater contamination to the South Saskatchewan River.
The Youth Conservation Corps program at the Midcoast Conservancy in Maine is connecting generations and protecting water quality.
A recent renovation project is helping Omaha remodel aging sewers and improve water quality while offering more recreational opportunities to locals.
Performing environmental monitoring of southern Ohio stormwater involved everything from sophisticated GIS mapping to fine-tuning some of the six basic senses.
Trials of steel chips from industrial waste show that they effectively remove E. coli from stormwater by lysing the bacterial cell walls.
Decades of nutrient and stormwater reduction in the Chesapeake Bay watershed has caused a record-breaking resurgence in submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV).