In warmer climates like Texas, high reservoir evaporation rates can lead to declines in water level and water availability during droughts, making monitoring essential in order to ensure water security during times of scarcity. According to the...
U. of Arizona investigators lead an effort using sediment cores and dissolved oxygen records to link Lake Tanganyika fish declines and global warming.
Data buoys and temperature strings help U. Saskatchewan and Nipissing University scientists study mixing’s role in Lake Nipissing algae blooms.
OpenCTD, the first open-source sensor developed by Oceanography for Everyone, is ready for marine and citizen scientists alike.
The 2015-2016 El Niño and the Blob came together to harm productivity in the Pacific Ocean, say scientists at University of California, Santa Cruz.
Numerous studies into thawing permafrost soils reveal insights into carbon dioxide and methane ratios impacting the permafrost carbon feedback loop.
A super El Niño event in 2016 combined with anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions has so far created the hottest year in over 136 years, NASA scientists believe. Researchers are troubled by the trend, as 2014 and 2015...
While researchers have typically incorporated both daytime and nighttime temperatures into their estimates of surface temperature data, University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH) scientists have found that nighttime temperatures can fluctuate so much that leaving them out...
A new report released by researchers at Michigan State University and the University of Michigan describes changing climate conditions as threats to public health in the state, according to a release. Those conditions include things like warmer...
Stark County Park District managers study how Sippo Lake affects water quality after sediment load reduction efforts and push place-based learning tools.
U.S. Geological Survey and park scientists complete a three-and-a-half year study finding temperature’s role in rock falls in Yosemite National Park.
Resource managers with Penobscot Indian Nation keep a careful eye on their waterways with help from a Thermo Orion Star portable pH meter and other gear.
In a predicted future of warmer global temperatures, researchers at the University of Minnesota had guessed that the respiration rates of trees, including some output of carbon dioxide, would increase by broad margins. But in putting the...
Woodrats find it harder to process creosote plants at higher temperatures. A tipping point seems to exist above which they will find it tough to thrive.
Summers in Europe are pretty warm these days. According to a new study, recent decades of the season are more than 1 degree Celsius warmer than they were 2,000 years ago. Since 1986, average summer temperatures on...
Global warming continues, bringing with it higher average temperatures all over the Earth. Of recorded temperatures since 1880, when records began, the highest 15 out of 16 have occurred since 2001. In a release from NASA, researchers...
Although a 2-degree Celsius rise in global average temperatures may not sound like a lot, regional variations in the rise may mean significant changes, as much as 6 degrees Celsius higher in some areas inland, according to...
In Buffalo, New York, like in much of the U.S. Midwest, air temperatures are warmer than they usually are this time of year, thanks partly to a strong El Niño. Another result of the weather phenomenon’s influence...
This magazine has reported on the innovative research of Scott Tyler before. Tyler, a professor of hydrology at the University of Nevada – Reno, was using fiber optics at the time (December 2014) to more accurately and...
When scientists talk about millennial-scale climate change, they have to deal with a lot of uncertainty because there is still so much to be learned about the mechanisms that act on such long timescales. However, one Durham...