In regions with historically secure access to clean drinking water, few think about the work that goes into ensuring that the water they fill their cups with is safe. In reality, millions of dollars are invested in...
Data is king when it comes to water quality monitoring, and Stantec Inc. is committed to providing consistent quality data in real-time.
An environmental remediation strategy that has the potential to remove PCBs, dioxins, PAHs, DDT and other persistent toxins permanently may sound too good to be true, but recent innovations introduce a solution that removes these chemicals from...
While focusing on ocean-specific threats to corals, researchers miss a dangerous, world-wide flow of sewage from land.
New research into bacteria that naturally degrade microcystins could offer new alternatives for drinking water treatment.
AI technology developed by researchers from the University of Waterloo is able to detect cyanobacteria in water, identify cell types, and count them.
A research team has developed robust reverse osmosis membranes using carbon nanotubes and polyamide that resist the rigors of the cleaning process cheaply.
New research into “untuning” the water molecule unpacks some of water’s strangest behaviors, and may lead to new treatment technologies.
A team of engineers has created multiple simple fixes for water quality problems, from stagnating water tower tanks to treatment of micropollutants.
Research focusing on New York State wastewater treatment facilities shows that medium-sized facilities are the most effective, highlights future challenges.
Researchers are working on interdisciplinary teams to address the challenge of water infrastructure in jeopardy across the country.
Recent reports from the CDC identify drinking water quality problems in the US, especially from Legionella.
Researchers have developed a low-energy wastewater purification system that uses electricity to remove up to 99% of difficult to treat organic compounds.