Cranberry bog in the hands of historical society

By on December 16, 2011

Ohio’s unique cranberry bog that floats in the middle of Buckeye Lake will now be in the care of the Buckeye Lake Historical Society. The Ohio DNR approved transfer of day-to-day responsibilities to the historical society this week. Museum workers have collaborated with the ODNR in maintaining the bog for many years. Historical society volunteers have learned how to care for plant life in the floating bog and have hosted the annual Open Bog Day for 13 years.

While bogs usually surround the edge of a lake, the Cranberry Bog State Nature Preserve is a floating island in the middle of Buckeye Lake, composed mostly of sphagnum moss. It is said to be the only bog of its kind in the world. In the past, public visits to the bog were limited. However, the historical society’s new management is expected to partner with local bird watching groups, garden clubs and environmental organizations to expand accessibility of the bog to the public.


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