TASK Environmental is a leading provider of environmental consulting and remedial construction services. (Courtesy TASK Environmental)
Consultants with Task Environmental are relying on a YSI 556 Multi-Parameter Water Quality Meter to help with groundwater remediation work. The 556 is the ideal instrument for the task because of its quality construction.
“I have used other YSI meters for years, and they have always been durable and excellent quality. When we purchased our first YSI 556 when they first came out, it was the only meter on the market with multiple probes in one unit and a dedicated flow cell,” said Susan Tobin, president of Task Environmental. “The first unit finally lost the ORP function after 6 or 7 years of use, so we purchased a new one.”
The original 556 they purchased is still used for projects that don’t demand measurements of ORP. The new one, says Tobin, has been just as reliable as the first and is always ready to sample.
“The meter is extremely easy to use and very durable,” said Tobin. “We replace the pH/ORP probe every few years, but never had to replace the conductivity/temperature or DO probes.”
Common water quality parameters that Tobin and others collect during their groundwater monitoring work include pH, conductivity, DO, temperature and ORP. Task Environmental shares the data with regulatory agencies and others who oversee groundwater wells and aquifers in Florida.
Top image: TASK Environmental is a leading provider of environmental consulting and remedial construction services. (Courtesy TASK Environmental)