Athabasca Canada tar sands study finds production adversely affects regional lakes

By on January 11, 2013
Satellite images show the growth of pit mines over Canada's oil sands as of 2011 (Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center)

A study of Athabasca Canada tar sand production found an adverse impact on lakes based historical data from the region, according to a Queen’s University press release.

The study focused on sediment data dating back to the 19th century and used zooplankton as an indicator species.

The researchers, from Environment Canada and Queen’s University, found that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and dibenothiophene concentrations in several lakes sediment increased due to tar sand production.

They also found stressors from industry and climate change affected the lakes.  Click here to read the full report.

Image: Satellite images show the growth of pit mines over Canada’s oil sands as of 2011 (Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center)

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