Daisy Soil Sensor sends houseplant data to smartphones

By on February 16, 2015
Daisy Soil Sensor aims to provide an affordable way to help keep houseplants healthy. (Credit: Daisy)

A new Kickstarter project is looking to raise money for the Daisy Soil Sensor, a connected monitor that tracks light, temperature and soil moisture, according to TechHive. Installing neatly into the soil of potted plants, the device communicates with smartphones through a companion app and Bluetooth technology.

One clear advantage of the sensor when compared to other crowdfunded soil sensors on the market is its price, as makers of the Daisy Soil Sensor are looking to come in at just $20 for a single unit. Another is battery life, with the sensor boasting three years of run time on a single set of two coin cell batteries.

On the flip side, communicating via Bluetooth means users will only be able to check the conditions of their house plants while they’re within range of the soil sensor, anywhere around 30 to 50 feet. But the use of Bluetooth over Wi-Fi is probably one of the features that help maintain the device’s low price point.

Makers of the Daisy Soil Sensor point out that some existing sensors might make sense for those who just want to monitor a plant or two. But for those with larger-scale tracking needs, say for a dozen plants or more, the costs can add up. That’s why they plan to offer a set of eight Daisies for just $115.

Top image: Daisy Soil Sensor aims to provide an affordable way to help keep houseplants healthy. (Credit: Daisy)

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