Fondriest Crew Helps With Sonde Training At Lake Erie Center

By on August 18, 2015

Some of the Fondriest crew recently visited the University of Toledo’s Lake Erie Center to help assist with calibration training on YSI EXO2 Multi-Parameter Water Quality Sondes. Members from our team were joined by other experts from YSI who helped complete the workshop.

Most of the sondes calibrated during the training are typically deployed on data buoys that are part of the Lake Erie algae bloom monitoring network shaping up since the Toledo water crisis of August 2014. In addition, some of the sondes are regularly deployed at water treatment plants in Ohio sitting near the lake, including plants in Avon, Elyria, Marblehead and Port Clinton.

Here is a map showing the locations of buoy platforms where many of the sondes monitor water quality in Lake Erie on a regular basis.

The managers of the buoy platforms, including researchers from U. Toledo, Ohio State University’s Stone Lab and LimnoTech, were on hand to nail down EXO calibration methods. Gathering everyone together in one place to calibrate the instruments also helped ensure that all the sondes report consistent and comparable data on water quality and algae levels in Lake Erie.


Top image: Fondriest Environmental and YSI helped with sonde training for the University of Toledo’s Lake Erie Center. (Credit: Ed Verhamme / LimnoTech)

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