Fracking Fluids, Wastewater Full Of Toxins

By on January 11, 2016
Researchers have found that many substances used in fracking fluids have been linked to reproductive and developmental health problems. (Credit: Pat Lynch / Yale University)

Researchers have found that many substances used in fracking fluids have been linked to reproductive and developmental health problems. (Credit: Pat Lynch / Yale University)

A new study reveals fracking fluids are fraught with toxins, according to a release from Yale University. The study is an important step toward future studies to identify and rank the toxicity of chemicals found in fracking fluid and wastewater.

Yale researchers analyzed more than 1,000 chemicals found in fracking fluid and wastewater with disturbing results. Of the 1,021 chemicals studied, 157 were found to be toxins hazardous to reproductive or developmental health. The scientists chose to focus on the reproductive and developmental threats because they are signifiers of environmental dangers.

Fracking also poses a threat to the environment via tremors, air pollution and increased greenhouse gas emissions. Researchers concluded wastewater is more toxic than the fracking fluid and more research is needed concerning the chemicals and byproducts created from fracking fluids.

Top image: Researchers have found that many substances used in fracking fluids have been linked to reproductive and developmental health problems. (Credit: Pat Lynch / Yale University)

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