New app works with In-Situ water quality meters. (Credit: In-Situ)
One water quality professional is so excited about the iSitu Water Monitoring App from In-Situ that he wrote a blog post about it on Medium. The app interfaces with the smarTROLL MP Handheld Water Quality Meter to let users sample through the convenience of their iPhones and other iOS devices.
The Environmental Monitor has covered some of the capabilities of the system. For Jim Young, founder of the consulting firm Terraine and author of the post, there are others he’s looking forward to. These include calibrating the probe’s sensors, setting log intervals and transferring data, all from his phone.
Young says that using smartphones in monitoring applications will change the way that data are collected today. Some of the huge benefits that he foresees include not having to use as much paper for record keeping and the ability to share project findings with others more quickly.
Top image: New app works with In-Situ water quality meters. (Credit: In-Situ)