NOAA scientists use hurricane monitoring plane to monitor winter storms

By on January 21, 2013
NOAA scientists use hurricane monitoring plane to monitor winter storms (Credit: NOAA)

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists will use a hurricane monitoring plane to improve snow forecasts, according to a NOAA release.

The plane and its crew will be stationed in Hickam Air Force Base in Honolulu through February.  Scientists will track wind speed and direction, humidity, pressure and temperature in an area of the Pacific where many U.S. storms start.

Data collected by the crew will be analyzed alongside other data from meteorological research and observing systems to better predict strong winter storms.

The plane is a Gulfstream IV commonly used by NOAA scientists for hurricane research. The crew will fly to Alaska in March and then back to Tampa, Fla. at the end of the winter season.

Image: NOAA scientists use hurricane monitoring plane to monitor winter storms (Credit: NOAA)

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