PME Cyclops-7 Logger
Multi-parameter water quality sondes are amazing for monitoring the health of lakes or rivers when they’re mounted on buoys. But sometimes a research project doesn’t need all that data, or the cost that goes with it. Fortunately there is an option for those looking to gather high-quality measurements of just one measurement while saving on the expense of a sonde: the PME Cyclops-7 Logger.
The logger fills that need and is the only product out there, as far as we can tell, that offers such a single-parameter logger system for researchers to use.
“The PME Cyclops-7 Logger provides a platform for researchers to capture high-frequency (1-minute interval) data in a self-contained, small-diameter package,” said Kristin Elliott, chief executive officer at PME. “The PME logger has a depth rating of 100 meters and can be deployed for long periods of time. It is easy to set up and retrieve the data once the deployment is over.”
Its developers worked closely with Turner Designs to come up with a solution for the pros out there looking for a logger that could be used with individual Turner Designs Cyclops-7 sensors. In addition to that, the logger’s size is compact enough that it can be used in borehole applications and is fully submersible for added flexibility.
That is largely achieved by its construction, with all internal components like C-Cell batteries, memory card (28,800-sample capacity) and circuit board housed within a rugged Delrin body that is toughened against cracking or breaking. To protect the Turner Designs sensors, PME has also added a probe guard that keeps them secure while still letting in enough water for accurate data collection.
PME Cyclops-7 Logger
Elliott says that researchers commonly use the logger in applications like wastewater monitoring, tracking contaminants or in cleanup operations like those following oil spills. Some of the common parameters that technicians monitor include measurements of algal pigments, dyes, fluorescent dissolved organic matter and turbidity.
“There are currently thirteen different standard Cyclops (sensor) configurations available,” said Elliott. “Custom optics are available for non-standard applications.”
Following data collection, downloading measurements from the Cyclops-7 Logger is a snap with a Java-based software program supplied to each user. Each recorded sample includes the sensor measurement, time, date and logger battery voltage.
The software also supports visual data plots and sensor calibrations, which comprises the main maintenance concern, says Elliott.
“The Cyclops-7 and PME Logger are both Solid State devices and very little maintenance is required,” said Elliott. “The Cyclops-7 should be rinsed with fresh water after a deployment and any biofouling can be removed with a soft cloth.”
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