Project restores wetlands near San Francisco’s Mountain Lake

By on March 17, 2014
Image credit: Tom Hilton, via Flickr

Image credit: Tom Hilton, via Flickr

A San Francisco State University project is turning part of the city’s Mountain Lake back into a wetland, San Francisco Gate reported.

Spearheaded by biology researcher Jonathan Young, the project aims to restore up to four acres of wetland within a year. Fifteen goats have been been employed to help clear underbrush and remove vegetation.

A major goal of the project is the reintroduction of native plants and animals that have been crowded out by invasive species and toxic pollution. The pollution has been dredged from the lake’s bottom, and its western shore has been replanted.

The California red-legged frog and the Pacific chorus frog will be among the first species to return to Mountain Lake.

Image credit: Tom Hilton, via Flickr

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