Savannah River managers seek basin study

By on April 29, 2013
Savannah River (Credit: eutrophication&hypoxia, via Flickr)

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dam engineers would like to commission a comprehensive basin study of the Savannah River to evaluate the effects of flow changes from dams on biology, according to a USACE article.

Water managers want to know more about how flow levels affect water quality, infrastructure, habitats and recreation, said Stan Simpson, the Savannah River district water manager, in a video interview accompanying the article.

“To do the full study you start getting into the biology and that’s the one thing that’s hardest for us to define,” Simpson said. “…for the most part we’re engineers here.”

The study would focus on gaining more information on the needs of biology downstream from Army Corps dams.

Image: Savannah River (Credit: eutrophication&hypoxia, via Flickr)

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