Scientists Sample In Spring-Fed Mexican Ecosystems

By on June 5, 2015
Doctoral candidate Jorge Ramos collects a water sample. (Credit: Sandra Leander)

Doctoral candidate Jorge Ramos collects a water sample. (Credit: Sandra Leander)

Scientists at Arizona State University are sampling spring-fed ecosystems in Mexico’s Cuatro Cienegas basin, according to a release. The remote desert region is marked by beautiful pools of surface water and interesting hydrology.

There are 18 of the ecosystems in the basin and many host unique organisms and endemic aquatic species. While there, the researchers are focusing on the effects that farming practices nearby have had on the surface water pools as well as other impacts from climate change.

Equipment used in the work include a quadcopter to observe the pools from above; scuba gear for diving; and grab samplers to collect water for study. The tools are helping scientists learn more about how the pools are connected above and below ground.

Top image: Doctoral candidate Jorge Ramos collects a water sample. (Credit: Sandra Leander)

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