Scientists seek to make Lake George worlds’ ‘smartest lake’

By on July 16, 2013
Lake George (Credit: Hgjudd, via Wikimedia Commons)

Scientists, engineers and community partners at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, IBM, and the Fund for Lake George are working to create “the world’s smartest lake,” according to a report from IEEE Spectrum.

Launching a new three-year, multi-million dollar campaign to study and conserve Lake George in New York, scientists and engineers seek to understand and control invasive species and rising levels of algae and salt that threaten water clarity and quality. A broad suite of water quality and atmospheric sensors will be deployed throughout and around the lake to better understand water movement, water quality trends and inform models.

The goal of the program is to create a global model for environmental research and protection of water resources. Insights will also go to supporting to the region economically, as tourism revenue generates over $1 billion annually.

Image: Lake George (Credit: Hgjudd, via Wikimedia Commons)

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