SonTek releases stationary measurement software for RiverSurveyor

By on November 18, 2010

SonTek has released an enhanced version of its RiverSurveyor LIVE software that allows for stationary measurements with the S5 and M9 RiverSurveyor units.

Stationary measurement data collection involves taking velocity profiles at several fixed locations across the width of a stream, river, or canal using the S5/M9 and then computing the resulting discharge.

This is the same technique as used with current meters such as the SonTek Flowtracker. The notable difference when conducting these profiles using RiverSurveyor Stationary Live software and S5/M9 instead is that the entire water column is profiled at once as opposed to measuring at fixed depths.

This is useful for applications that require:

  • Measuring discharge from a fixed platform, bridge, cableway, or tagline
  • Measuring discharge in highly turbulent areas or moving bed environments
  • Measuring discharge where Differential GPS is unavailable

For users requiring data playback only, RSSL is available free of charge. To collect S5/M9 data using RSSL and enjoy the full benefits of this package, purchase of an upgrade access code is necessary.

Visit for details on the software upgrade. To learn more about the RiverSurveyor, contact a Fondriest Environmental product specialist at (888) 426.2151 or

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