U. Hawaii Scientists Find New Butterfly In State’s Islands

By on October 6, 2015
Sleepy Orange butterfly. (Credit: F. Joy)

Sleepy Orange butterfly. (Credit: F. Joy)

Scientists at the University of Hawaii have found a new butterfly living in the state, according to a release. The last time such a discovery occurred was in 2008, they say, and is rare given the fact that many species are endemic to single islands.

The new butterfly is called the Sleepy Orange, and is found throughout the southern continental United States. Researchers say it was first seen on the Hawaiian island of Waialua in December 2013, and began to spread to four other islands within a year.

Scientists are amazed at how fast the Sleepy Orange has been able to spread throughout the state’s archipelago. They point out its broad living ranges, from sea level up to 6,800 feet, could be helping it thrive.

Top image: Sleepy Orange butterfly. (Credit: F. Joy)

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