USDA will fund agricultural conservation to improve water quality

By on May 3, 2013
Edge of field monitoring station (Credit: Minnesota Department of Agriculture)

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Resources Conservation Service will make about $35 million available to farmers for conservation measures that will improve water quality, according to a USDA release.

The funding is part of the second annual National Water Quality Initiative run through the conservation service.

The federal agency worked with states to establish up to 12 areas in each state where conservation projects would have the most profound effect on water quality.  The goal of the conservation is to reduce nutrient, sediment and pathogens in watersheds from farms.

Applicable solutions such as cover crops, terraces, conservation cropping systems and even edge of field monitoring are all eligible for funding.

A water quality index will soon be released to help farmers assess conservation practices and their potential water quality improvements.

Image: Edge of field monitoring station (Credit: Minnesota Department of Agriculture)

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