Downtown Santa Fe (Credit: Daniel Schwen, via Wikimedia Commons)
Officials in Santa Fe say the quality of water in the city is good, according to the Santa Fe New Mexican. Tests to confirm that the water meets state and federal standards were completed through a voluntary monitoring program.
Tests were conducted for common contaminants, as well as additional tests for lead and copper. The volunteers found that contaminant levels were in mostly undetectable ranges and levels of copper and lead met water quality standards.
Copper was tested at 0.7 parts per million, below the safety standard of 1.3. Lead was measured at 7.7 parts per million, clearing the standard of 15 parts per million. In all, city environmental specialists say detectable levels of only nine contaminants were found out of a list of 90 for which they were monitoring.
Image: Downtown Santa Fe (Credit: Daniel Schwen, via Wikimedia Commons)