Upgraded HOV Alvin was loaded onto R/V Atlantis (Tom Kleindinst/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
A new series from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s Oceanus Magazine covers the recent rebuilding of the Alvin submersible, describing everything from wiring to fabrication to paint.
The series is written by people who worked on the submersible, which is owned by the U.S. Navy and operated by WHOI. The Navy closely monitored the WHOI rebuilding process, said Jeff McDonald, who acted as liaison to the Office of Naval Research, National Science Foundation and Naval Sea Systems Command.
Much more from scientists and technicians involved in all aspects of the build is available on the Oceanus website.
Image: Upgraded HOV Alvin was loaded onto R/V Atlantis at the WHOI dock on May 13, 2013. (Credit: Tom Kleindinst/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)