ZooScan helps U. Delaware study zooplankton in Delaware Bay

By on January 15, 2015
Zooplankton from Delaware Bay (Credit: University of Delaware)

Zooplankton from Delaware Bay (Credit: University of Delaware)

Researchers at the University of Delaware are looking at understudied zooplankton populations in Delaware Bay, according to a release from the school. Key to their work is a device called a ZooScan.

ZooScans are similar to typical office scanners used for capturing images of what’s on paper. The one employed by UD’s College of Earth, Ocean and Environment is a waterproof version of that common optical technology.

Scientists at the school take samples of the bay’s zooplankton, which are then imaged by the ZooScan. The device is helping in developing a library of zooplankton populations in Delaware Bay, which will aid scientific study in years to come.

Image: Zooplankton from Delaware Bay (Credit:  University of Delaware)

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