Fondriest Environmental 125 mg/L Rhodamine Solution

The 125 mg/L Rhodamine Solution is designed for use with EXO and ProDSS Total Algae Sensors to eliminate the first dilution step when preparing calibration standards.


  • For dilution to 0.625 mg/L (CHL & TAL-PC) or 0.025 mg/L (TAL-PE)
  • Supplied in amber glass bottle for optimal preservation
  • Shelf life of approximately 1-year from date of manufacture
Questions & Answers
What is the shelf life for this solution?
The shelf life is approximately 1-year from the date of purchase, and there is an expiration date listed on the bottle.
Is there a recommendation for storing this solution refrigerated or at room temperature?
The rhodamine standard solution should be stored in the refrigerator. Cycles of warming and cooling can cause degradation of the dye. This is also mitigated by the dye being stored in a brown bottle.
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Fondriest Environmental 125 mg/L Rhodamine Solution
125 mg/L Rhodamine solution, 500mL bottle
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