International Orders
Fondriest can ship orders within the 50 United States only. Orders can not be shipped to PO Box addresses, United States territories, freight forwarders or addresses outside of the United States. Products purchased at Fondriest may not be exported.
Sales to U.S. Territories
Fondriest can ship your order within the 50 United States if the billing address is located within one of the following United States territories:
- American Samoa
- Armed Forces Africa
- Armed Forces Americas
- Armed Forces Canada
- Armed Forces Europe
- Armed Forces Middle East
- Armed Forces Pacific
- Guam
- Northern Mariana Islands
- Palau
- Puerto Rico
- U.S. Virgin Islands
Purchasing Products Outside the U.S.
We recommend contacting the original equipment manufacturer for information on purchasing products outside of the United States. Contact information can be found on the manufacturer's website...