Maxim iButton Temperature Loggers

The Maxim iButton temperature logger is a self-contained, self-powered, and field-rugged package that measures just over 0.5 inches in diameter.


  • Non-volatile memory stores temperature measurements
  • Each iButton has a unique ID to ensure traceability
  • Durable stainless steel housing is highly resistant to dirt, moisture and shock
List Price $39.95
Starting At $29.95

The Maxim iButton temperature logger is a self-contained, self-powered, and field-rugged package that measures just over 0.5 inches in diameter. Based on iButton technology, the logger consists of a computer chip, temperature sensor, and battery enclosed in a 16mm thick stainless steel can.

The small size of the temperature data logger allows it to be securely hidden in important monitoring areas. Each iButton has a unique ID to ensure traceability. The logger uses its stainless steel can as an electronic communications interface. By simply touching the logger to the DS1402 USB reader, the user can set up deployments, upload data, and view the logger status using Maxim OneWireViewer Software or 3rd party programs.

iButton loggers are rugged enough to withstand environmental hazards, indoors or outdoors. The durable stainless steel package is resistant to dust and moisture. A full line of accessories are available for mounting and deploying the loggers including adhesive pads, keychain fobs, and underwater housings.

Common applications include water temperature profiling, cargo transportation monitoring, ambient air monitoring, animal roosting behavior studies, new product research & development, wide-area temperature networks and much more.

Questions & Answers
Why does this logger have such a narrow range?
The DS1921H was designed for monitoring the body temperature of humans and animals, as well as temperature critical processes such as curing, powder coating and painting. It can also be used to monitor room temperatures and aid in calculating proportional heating costs of buildings.
Does the iButton come with anything?
No, all accessories, including micro-T software, USB reader, underwater housing and adhesive pads must be purchased separately. These items are available under the Accessories tab.
Can I "turn off" the temperature logger?
When using micro-T Software, the DS1921H iButton log interval can be set to 0, which sets the device to inactive and clears the data. The iButton can then be re-enabled and deployed again at a later date.
Can the Maxim iButton temperature loggers be placed under water?
While Fondriest does not offer any housings for underwater deployment, there are some available on the market.
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Maxim iButton Temperature Loggers
iButton temperature logger with 2,048 dataset memory & +/-1 C accuracy, +15 to +46 C range
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18 Available
Maxim iButton Temperature Loggers
iButton temperature logger with 8,192 dataset memory & +/-0.5 C accuracy, 0 to +125 C range
46 Available
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