Pro-Oceanus Mini Dissolved CO2 Probe

The Pro-Oceanus Mini CO2 probe is a flexible instrument designed for dissolved CO2 measurements and is ideally suited for high-variability environments.


  • Compact size with low power consumption
  • Large selection of concentration ranges
  • Internal data logger with 2GB flash memory
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The Pro-Oceanus Mini CO2 instrument uses infrared detection to measure the partial pressure of CO2 gas dissolved in liquids. With pCO2 ranges from 0-1000 ppm up to 0-100%, the Mini CO2 provides the versatility needed for any application.

The Pro-Oceanus Mini CO2 submersible instruments are compact, lightweight, plug-and-play sensors. The instrument also measures total dissolved gas pressure (TDGP), a useful parameter for many applications and data correction.

With resistance to most corrosive liquids, the Mini CO2 can provide reliable dissolved carbon dioxide data for many applications. Flow-through and in-line adapters are also available for simple and effective industrial solutions.


Sensor Performance
CO2 Measurement Ranges 0-2000 ppm CO2; by volume
0-5000 ppm
0-1% (10,000 ppm)
*other ranges available
Total Dissolved Gas Pressure 0-2000 mbar
Accuracy: pCO2 ± 2% of max range
TDGP ± 1%
Equilibration rate (t63) 3 minutes
Resolution 0.1% of max range
Length 28 cm (11 in)
Diameter 5.3 cm (2.1 in)
Weight Air 0.53 kg (1.2 lbs)
Water: -0.06 kg (-0.1 lbs)
Housing Material Acetal Plastic
Depth Rating 0 - 600m
Water Temperature 0º to 40º C
Input voltage 7-24 VDC
Power consumption 85 mW (7 mA @ 12 V)
Data output RS-232, ASCII format
Sample rate 2 seconds (variable rate with logger/controller)

All models include:

  • Mini CO2 Instrument
  • USB memory stick with Oceanus Software and User’s Manual
  • QuickStart Guide

Power and communications deck box includes:

  • Water-Resistant deck box with Underwater Cable and Connector Sleeve
  • 2-meter RS-232 cable
  • RS-232-to-USB Converter
  • AC to DC 12 V Power Supply

Internal rechargeable battery models include the items above as well as a battery pack and charger. 


Questions & Answers
What is the difference between the digital option and the analog option for the Pro-Oceanus Mini Dissolved CO2 Probe?
The Digital Pro-Oceanus Mini Dissolved CO2 Probe features an internal data logger and controller with 2GB flash memory. Additionally, the digital option uses RS-232, ASCII CSV data output, while analog can utilize either 0-5 V or 4-20mA.
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Pro-Oceanus Mini Dissolved CO2 Probe
Mini dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) probe with RS-232 output, includes power/communications box
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Pro-Oceanus Mini Dissolved CO2 Probe
Mini dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) probe with RS-232 output & internal 5 A-Hr 6 VDC rechargeable battery pack, includes power/communications box
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Pro-Oceanus Mini Dissolved CO2 Probe
Mini dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) probe with RS-232 output & internal 5 A-Hr 12 VDC rechargeable battery pack, includes power/communications box
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Pro-Oceanus Mini Dissolved CO2 Probe
Mini dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) probe with RS-232 output & internal 19 A-Hr 6 VDC alkaline battery pack, includes power/communications box
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