YSI 1/4" Flow Cell Coupling Insert

Flow cell coupling insert, 1/4"


  • Compatible with all YSI flow cells
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YSI 1/4" Flow Cell Coupling Insert
Flow cell coupling insert, 1/4"
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In The News

Rounded pebbles give evidence of past flowing water on Mars

NASA's Curiosity rover has found pebbles that appear to have been rounded by streamflow, according to a release from University of California Davis. Experts say the finding represents the first on-site evidence of sustained flowing water on Mars. The rounded pebbles discovered are only known to form when transported through water over long distances. Their discovery supports theories that the red planet could once have supported life. The smooth rocks were found between the north rim of the planet’s Gale Crater and the base of Mount Sharp, a mountain inside the crater. Researchers say they chose Gale Crater for study because there was a sediment deposit there that typically requires water to form.

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Study suggests small dams have more negative effects than large dams

A recent study suggests that small dams may have a greater impact on rivers than large dams, as they divert more water away from rivers, according to a press release from the American Geophysical Union. Researchers from Oregon State University studied China’s Nu River, which is home to a variety of dams in the river main stem and its tributaries.  In total, 31 small dams were evaluated and compared to four large dams in the main river stem. The research team compared dam impacts to habitat loss, river channel lengths, land affected and landslide risks among 14 total factors.  They found small dams had a greater negative impact in nine out of 14 categories. Small dams, used to divert water to hydropower stations, had some of the most profound impacts on rivers.

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U. Delaware studying tidal flow, sediment movement in salt marshes

University of Delaware scientists are studying the impacts that rising sea levels might have on marsh ecosystems in the future, the University of Delaware has reported. Scientists predict that rising sea levels could convert marshes into intertidal flats. These conversions could drastically change land composition by stripping sediment from the land, which could alter water quality by exposing substantial quantities of sequestered carbon and pollutants. Researchers are monitoring the fluctuations of water flow and sediment concentrations in Delaware’s Brockonbridge Marsh.

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